Basic functions
Auto Converter
Auto Converter is designed to convert the videos for LOL.
It saves your time! No matter what formats you get, just
upload the video, LOL auto convert it for you!
Online Learning
LOL provides students study incessantly. Students can
keep learning by using tablet PC, computer and smart
phone while they are commuting. LOL allows users any
device, any time, any place. Keep learning.
Copyright Protection
Static Watermark
After uploading the videos, LOL will put the static
watermark to the videos automatically. This can claim the
ownership of the videos.
Anti-download Technology
Anti-download technology is a mechanism to protect the
videos downloading from other software. Downloading LOL
videos is impossible!
Copyright Claim
Like many movie videos, LOL claims the copyright in the
starting segment. It is a claim to the users that the video
is protected and can’t be used in illegal way.
News Publishing
News publishing is very useful! No need to email or call the
students! LOL publishes this for you!
Delivery Informing
After registering the class, students will get the text books.
LOL has the delivery informing function. Students can
check the delivery status!
LOL supports the photos uploading. These photos can also
be made the album by class. You can set the album public
or private!
Try-lesson provides the student to try the lessons. If you
like the lessons, register the classes!
Story Marketing
A good story can catch the attention of students and
parents. LOL provides you can put your story on
Lecture Analysis
The administrator grabs the data to analyze what videos
and when the users view. According to the viewing habit,
the administrator can provide the useful information to the
No Limitation for Class and
Administrator can set different kinds of courses attract
students. Also, the students can select the course. LOL will
classify the course for you which saves the time on
searching and management.
Class Publishing
LOL makes Class publishing easier! Just insert the
information of the classes, like the introduction, teachers
and lectures, you can manage the publishing!
Students can use QRcode to enter the administrator
Administrator can choose whether there is a QRcode on the
film or not. Also, administrator can put some information
in QRcode, such as, course information, course related
website and announcement for intellectual property rights.
Point Analysis
The administrator can collect the data that how the student
use the points. According to the analysis, the teacher can
assist the student to improve the studying.
Student Management
This can set the students’ accounts and modify students’
personal information and classes.
Teacher Management
LOL manages the authority of the system, student
accounts, teacher accounts, lectures, and other
management. You can prevent the unauthorized
Lecture Management
LOL helps you to manage the lectures. You can publish the
lectures to the classes and set the points to the lectures!
User Analysis
The usage of big data can help the management to